Thinking My Thoughts

Genre: Humour

Publication Date: September 02, 2023

Copyright: 2023

        .;''-.                  The lessons I was taught about the things of my thoughts       
      .' |    `._                is that if I write until I quit then my thinking becomes quiet. 
     /`  ;       `'.              I write.  
  ,'\|    `|         |             I write to think.
  | -'_     \ `'.__,J               I write quite a lot.
 |      `"-.___ ,'                   I write almost as much as I've thought.
 '-,           /                      I write until I quit.
 }      __.--'L                        I write to get the thing out of my head.
 ;   _,-  _.-"`\         ___            Which let's my thinking go on to my next thought when I step out of bed.
`7-;"   '  _,,--._  ,-'`__ `.
 |/      ,'-     .7'.-"--.7 |      _.-'  Because there's only so much room up there.
 ;     ,'      .' .'  .-. \/     .'      In that little cramped space inside of my hair.    
 \ |      .' /  |    \_)-  '/   _.-'``
  _,.--../ .'     \_) '`_    \'`     Sometimes the thing I think about has taught me a lot about thought.
'`f-'``'.`\;;'    ''`  '-`    |     And sometimes the thought I have about the thing taught me nothing at all.
   \`.__. ;;;,   )            /
     / /<_;;;;'   `-._    _,-'      But I am grateful for the lesson it bought.
    | '- /;;;;;,      `t'` \       I don't think I could think without writing my thoughts down.
    `'-'`_.|,';;;,      '._/|     Which gives me a new thought:
     _.-'  \ |;;;;;    `-._/     Do I think to write?
          / `;\ |;;;,  `"       Or do I write to think?