Curious To Know

Genre: Humour

Publication Date: November 02, 2022

Copyright: 2022

People say "I am curious to know..." which is immediately followed by a request that I justify my reason for existing or doing what I do. The question says more about them than it does about me.

In questions of code and of life, we should ask "why about code" and "what about people."

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  There is a breed of fox out there,
    with big bushy tails.
  In which the wind pushes them backward,  
    like big billowing sails.  
  They can seen where they will gone,  
    but not see where they have be.

  There are those that sail-walk North  
    There are those that sail-walk South
  And they think they control the way that they're going for  
    But really they lack all form of direction,  
      no less and no more
  When one day came a fox,  
    who was lacking a big bushy tail    
  It was all scrawny and thin,  
    and made the lousiest sail
  "Where do you come from?  
    From where do you hail?"  
      Cried a crowd of bushy foxes,  
        fighting the winds to stand still
  As our new little fox,  
    with a scrawny thin tail  
      Ambled slowly past them not knowing the question
  He didn't stop for a minute,  
    not even to rest
  Just kept on walking,  
    simply walked into the West
  "What why did you do that?"  
    asked a North-North quick walker.  
        "Don't you know that walking Northwards is best?"  
    shouted a Southward slow stalker  
        "Everyone knows that is as wrong as can be."
  "But if you walk North,  
    or if you walk South,  
        we know that West is not the best place to see."
  "Why do you walk West?  
    Why do you do that?"  
        puzzled both North-South walkers.
  "I don't know,  
    I just like walking West.   
        I came out of the East,  
            just over yonder,  
                and I'm heading out West,  
                    to take a quick gander."
  "But what's over yonder?
    From where you came.
        And what's over yander?
            Is it the same?"
                quizzed the South-North slow and quick walkers.
  "I don't know.
    I'll go take a look.
        I come back when I'm done,
         I'll walk back to my East."
  "But what if you keep walking?
    What if you run out of ground?"
  "Then I'll just keep walking,
    on into the West,
        my feet out in front of me,
            until I come right around."

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